Frederick (Fred) Rollenhagen has been a member of Wheat Ridge UCC since 2010. Fred fell victim to the most aggressive recruiter ever to be known to the UCC community; the church’s music director, Ro Rains. Ro was persistent in pulling him into the church, lured by a most excellent music program complete with handbell choir, a stunning mid-century modern architectural church structure, awesome sermons, and some of the most welcoming people anywhere.

It worked. And he has not looked back since.

Fred is a Colorado Springs native who grew up in an ELCA Lutheran church. However, part of his family belonged of the old Evangelical and Reformed (E&R) Church; one of the two denominations that consolidated to become the current United Church of Christ (UCC). Fred is in the church choir and loves to sing and play his trombone. Fred enjoys singing and playing music; gardening and tooling around in his backyard; traveling with his partner, Zach, and family and friends; hanging with his nieces and nephews; and learning about history.


Adult Study Hour meets at 9 AM on 2nd and 3rd Sundays.
Children’s Time is at 10:15 AM.
Cookies, snacks and coffee served at 11 AM.
Our music program is directed by Rosanna Rains.