The Adult Study Hour (ASH) meets every second and third Sundays for study of various topics of Christian interest. The classes are led by Constance Wise, who has a PhD in Theology, but with great participation and lots of sharing and laughter.

We are currently studying hymns, their history and music elements, and most fun of all — why we love the old favorites, like “In the Garden” and “Onward Christian Soldiers” —  even when the words are sappy or even bad theology.

In March, we will take a look at a current controversy — the old standard use of hymnals versus the new use of the words printed on a large screen so the people have their hands free to raise in praise.

Join us every second and third Sundays at 9:00 am. Dates for ASH classes this spring:

  • March 10 and 17
  • April 14 and 21
  • May 12 and 19